
    Please add details of each author/presenter by answering the questions below.

    Any files that are uploaded will be shared outside of the organization they belong to.

    Author Details

    Email *

    Number of authors *

    Author 1

    Please add a short biographical statement (100-150 words) for Author 1. This will be included in the Conference Program and Abstract Booklet, and will be used by your session chair to introduce you to the audience. *

    Kindly upload a photo of author 1 *

    First Author Title *

    First Author Surname *

    First Author Full Names- (For certificate and program) *

    First Author Preferred Name (for name tag) *

    First Author Affiliation / Organisation *

    First Author Mobile Phone Number *

    First Author E-mail Address *

    First Author: How will you present? (Mark only one) *
    In person at the conference (Preferred)Remotely via Zoom (If personal attendance is not possible)The paper will be presented by a co-author on my behalf

    Author 2

    Please add a short biographical statement (100-150 words) for Author 2. This will be included in the Conference Program and Abstract Booklet, and will be used by your session chair to introduce you to the audience.

    Kindly upload a photo of author 2

    Second Author Title

    Second Author Surname

    Second Author Full Names- (For certificate and program)

    Second Author Preferred Name (for name tag)

    Second Author Affiliation / Organisation

    Second Author Mobile Phone Number

    Second Author E-mail Address

    Second Author: How will you present? (Mark only one)
    In person at the conference (Preferred)Remotely via Zoom (If personal attendance is not possible)The paper will be presented by a co-author on my behalf

    Author 3

    Please add a short biographical statement (100-150 words) for Author 3. This will be included in the Conference Program and Abstract Booklet, and will be used by your session chair to introduce you to the audience.

    Kindly upload a photo of author 3

    Third Author Title

    Third Author Surname

    Third Author Full Names- (For certificate and program)

    Third Author Preferred Name (for name tag)

    Third Author Affiliation / Organisation

    Third Author Mobile Phone Number

    Third Author E-mail Address

    Third Author: How will you present? (Mark only one)
    In person at the conference (Preferred)Remotely via Zoom (If personal attendance is not possible)The paper will be presented by a co-author on my behalf

    Abstract Details

    Please add details of your proposed paper by answering the questions below. This information will be used by the reviewers during a blind peer review process to evaluate the suitability of your proposal for this conference.

    Title of your proposed presentation/paper *

    Keywords (up to 6) *

    Relevance of your proposed paper/presentation to the conference theme and objectives *

    Relevance of your proposed paper/presentation to the field of Education Law *

    Please provide your permission to publish the abstract, your name, surname, affiliation and e-mail address in the Abstract Booklet (Papers are not published) (Mark only one) *

    Please indicate the type of presentation you will make (Mark only one) *
    Academic/research paperPanel discussion on invitationPractice based presentationKeynote address on invitationWorkshop on invitation

    Abstract Upload

    Please add an abstract of your intended presentation (no less than 300 and no more than 500 words). If you have revised your abstract after the peer review process, please replace the first abstract with the revised abstract.

    Please paste your abstract here:


    Upload your document here: